Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nautilus House

Live like a hippie hermit crab.

Get one of these.

and plant it on tellytubbyland

the cruves, the psychedelic colours and did i mention it is shaped like a god damn shell?

Explain yourself!

The open concept inside the house is dominated by smooth surfaces, spiral stairs and natural plantings that makes the inhabitants feel like they’re living inside a snail who swallowed the entire contents of somebody’s back yard. While the house is surrounded on three sides by the bustling Mexico City, its West side (where most of its portal-style windows are located) has a breathtaking view of the mountains. Wow. Maybe someday all houses will be made this way.
The interior is not shabby as well. The stained glass really proves that the architact is indeed smoking weed.

the hermit crab was given short notice to vacate the premise

and he was kind enough to do the bed before leaving

Do you know that the nautilus shell can be divided to derive the golden ratio?

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