I totally agree with the man. A lot of people have stuff to talk bout his fashion sense (or the lack of) but that is besides the point.
I have the exact (or so it would appear) same denim jacket! I got it back in 2000 when it was on sale. I got one for myself and another for shuyi. A classic piece of fashion staple which weathers well and actually grow in character. If you wanna see a before and after pic of the denim, simply place mine against shuyi's.
i arranged the jacket to look just like the one on the site
see how you crumple a clothing to make it more uber?
It is so well worn that the collar is wearing out too fast. A few more years of intensive wearing and it will come right off.
i wore it extensively especially during the uni days while shuyi kept it untouched. Really been through a lot with me and won't know what i'll do if i lost it or it dies on me. Squeeze into shuyi's jacket?
Ignorant people who talk shit bout the denim jacket should zip it to save themselves more embarrassment. I saw levis coming up with new implementations of the denim jacket. But they are all fads (some are quite decent really). Engineered, Type 1, some funny denim tux etc. comes to mind.
see how you crumple a clothing to make it more uber?
Speaking of denim, here is momma Madonna rocking her denims in one of my favorite videos.
walking with your thumbs in your pockets never looked so cool
i am skinny. don't know nice or not if i happen to wear one of that.