Sunday, March 15, 2009

sunday walk walk

I picked up shuyi from work in the late afternoon and proceeded to get some new pets for shuyi. Don't really want to talk bout it k?

She did not check the batt and left the spare one in her room. So this is all she got from the entire trip. Mount Titlis i think.

another snow capped mountain. alrighty...

Then we went Orchard!

We saw this dress in Dior. Nice huh. We didn't bother to check the price though.

the tongue was her idea

In a cam-whore mood. Actually I made her do it.

dinner@MOS burger

Remember the unusable voucher? Well this time round, we got it right!

$10.80! just nice! saba + sotong

But we forgot bout the ++ at the end. So I ended up paying $2 for this. Robbery!

heh! we got you now shokudo!

We met the new tourism ambassador too. Tiny kerbaya girl.

Visit Singapore!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about our new additions to our family. talk about them!
