Thursday, March 5, 2009

auntie around the world: taipei

Shuyi went for a short taipei trip and she saw this

4 god soup. buddha, jesus, krishna & santa claus.
no kidding.

Here is the boss. Shuyi said she saw her on an episode of 我猜,我猜,我猜猜猜.

shuyi says her figure is to die for. prove it sista!

Oh? What's this? hmmmm? Could it be a small hapless animal waiting to be loved by me?

if I stay very still and avoid eye contact maybe i'll pass of as a toy

nuuuuuu! epic fail! help!!!

ok I play dead. that'll work!

is she gone? *peek*

fine! you win! take the paw! take it!

Here's an uncle selling squirrels. We used to have one (she called it chip chip) which shuyi picked up from Fort Canning. But it developed pneumonia before we got it and died shortly after. The security guard saw it at night, lying at the foot of the tree on a rainy night. He decided that it should be left there for the mother squirrel to collect. I doubt the tree is childcare yo! So it was left there till the next morning before he collected it and passed it to shuyi.

quite stylish for a hobo no?

Oh some 台湾妹 promoter. damnnnn

kua simi? hmmm? ai tio siboo?

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