Friday, August 28, 2009

new layout

Unless you're freaking blind, you would have noticed that the layout has changed. The purpose of the change is to clear up more room for the HUGE pictures. The 'large' in blogger just don't cut it. Changing the dimensions don't help as the picture was already compressed to the small size. In short, making it look big will spoil the picture.

What do you think about the new layout?

helmet girl

3rd kiddy post in a row... starting to feel like a pedo. I saw this girl at QB house when shuyi was trimming her hair. After seeking permission, I started snapping away.

proceed. make me pweeety


remember: 2 mm above the brows

let me see...


i look so pweety, i'm crying

Thursday, August 27, 2009


The little boy in Pandan Gardens named after a soccer player.

mommy, can i bite this auntie?
she is really pissing me off

the baby silently protested

just let me sleep ok

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Emo Walk 2009

Emo walk 2009.
Start: Plaza Sing
End: Boon Keng

super fun

Selegie. Was introduced to Selegie by my pal Randy during our JC days. We would go there, get out of our uniform and enjoy the half priced arcade games. My decade long relationship with the King of Fighters series started.

During the army daze, we come to the LAN shops here for our fix of Counter Strike. Another game I still play. Occasionally. Can you imagine the same old map for 10 years?
The beancurd-siblings-rivalary place opposite the new mall Wilkie Edge (looks like it is gonna bomb)


Back when I was wooing shuyi, Randy helped lots by constandly providing me excues to 'pass by' shuyi's work place. There was once we walked from Takashimaya towards Circuit Road.

All 3 of us.

Yes. Randy, being the pal he is, accompanied us and walked in front. If you walked in that direction, before reaching the now defunct Tekka Mall, you'll see this. They call it The Verge now.

Ok wadeva.

we make the fashion, you get the satisfaction

Are all these shop houses so cheap? They are all dormitories for foreign workers. Hell they have a nicer balcony than I have!

Pushing on, I entered Little India with the camera hanging off my neck. I was fairly confident that I was going to get mugged too.

In one of the little alleys, I saw:

we call them 'mama shop'
Indian marketing calls in 'departmental store'

Denim for cheap. Kinda like the different textures stacked together.


Tried out some lomo-ish editing.


These swirly signs used to mark barber shops. Reminds me of ice cream parlours for some reason.

main that bulb is so distracting. grrr

I was at Boon Keng when Ian called and sent me home. woopee!

Monday, August 24, 2009

qiqi & the banana

Qiqi gets a shoot on a weekly basis. Here is her with the banana.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

we go Apollo

for some fried kway tiao

They used to cover the fried kway tiao with veggies. To compensate for the sweet poison below maybe? But times are bad and who cares about veggies anyway?

oui pay attention! helloooo?

oh ok.

Do you like the 1st or 2nd picture? The 2nd one is more 'as shot'. Is the 1st one too bright?

Behind the hawker center is the wet market. Look whose hanging around on the roof?

Just don't fall and land on these...

hooks are meant for hurtin' and that's just what they'll do

red plastic bags to bring you the blood and gore feel.

The picture of the power box is my favorite of the lot. Edited to make it look gritty and rich textures and exaggerate the shadows falling across the box.

rust never looked so good

Next we went to ECP for some strolling to help reduce the damage of the fried kway tiao. Heres a picture of one of the residents of ECP.

go away you paparazzi!
wait. are you from NEA? Leave my genitals alone!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

kiu moh baby

Don't you just love those chubby babies with the curly hair?



oui! you're still here?!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

the quay

Pictures at the quay.

Ah. The old and the new, all in one shot.

Then I noticed the arrow which made the picture more interesting.

Love the texture of the wall. The many ripped off posters, the paint and the weather elements made it so interesting.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

walk walk

Keep on walking.

Let the missus flag off the walking with a pose.

shuyi was inspired by the cam hos and reckon you're never too old to learn

And in Zara, I saw this jacket that reminds me of that jacket.

so in love

mommy? Can i?

I practiced incredible (colossal. ok maybe herculean even) restrain on my part and peeled off the jacket and walked out. Got... to... wait for the... sale...

But a part of me is telling myself that this jacket won't be put on sale cos it is so damn nice. The battles I have to fight...

the walls in the LVER shop

Monday, August 17, 2009

long exposer

An uncle who exposes himself to young girls for too long?

Like any self respecting noob who tries out photography, I tried my hands at long exposure shots. Just to show myself that I hate it.

And I do. It is so boring. Find a high vantage point, set up the tripod, dial in the standard settings and press the trigger.

Oh. And strike up a conversation with the other noob next to you. You got to wait at least 10-30 secs anyway.

It is that boring. It is the equivalence of fishing in photography.

Anyway, here goes.

first shot. cropped, no white balance

does it look better with some white balance?

some more? could do with a lot more contrast but I don't care

Then I went home and tried out another form of long exposure shot.

what else can I write?

This concludes my short lived foray into long exposure shots.

I don't like it. Though I wished my air writing was better.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Qiqi special

Some photos of the fat baby.