Thursday, October 15, 2009

laughter in the heartlands

This series of shots were taken at a heartland event.

yes. 2 老夫子s. 大番薯 on MC.

The 2 老夫子s cracked jokes in hokkien and teochew. What surprised me was that the kids were laughing to the jokes. Could it be that they find dialets funny in general (you don't really hear it on mass media) or they actually understood what they are talking about. Hell, even I only understand half of it.

race flag pants in conjunction with F1 (which nobody cares about now)

those people were really enjoying it

auntie doing her thang.

I caught a glimpse of this lady who was sitting beside me and found that she have an air of elegance about her. Strange place to meet someone like that.

She was too well coiffed for a HDB void deck. I don't really agree with the polo ralph polo though. How big do they need to make the logo? I'll take the buaya (lacoste) anyday.


She caught me shooting her eventually but was kind enough to let me proceed. I just smiled and continue shooting.


After the stand-up comedy, the indian emcee starting singing and it went downhill from there. He was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt. Like c'mon!

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