Saturday, October 31, 2009

heartlands superstar

Got to take a break from all the Greece pictures. White and blue are burnt into my retina already.

I saw this uncle drawing a big (relatively) audience outside the mall.

(1 of 1)

He have a portable DVD player, hands-free mike, speakers and a whole album full of KTV DVDs. This uncle means business.

Before he starts singing a song, he will give some comments on the song: who sang it, when was it popular etc. You get the impression that he is more concerned with singing than the money.

(9 of 9)
put the money and leave. don't interrupt my performance

(8 of 9)
singing Beyonce's 'Single ladies (put a ring on it)'

(6 of 9)
all the single ladies! put your hands up!

(5 of 9)
man! they love me

(4 of 9)
cannn you feeeel the love tonight?!!!

(1 of 9)

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