Thursday, January 22, 2009

HK X SanFran

Auntie's adventures brought her to HK! Everybody's going to HK these days like it is JB but I've never been there before. They say HK is all about eating and the shopping.

looks straight from a HK ah beng movie

check out the pair of evil ioris

where Honkies get 风云 haircuts

she says it is just so so

Then it is off to SanFran!

somehow Alcatraz is a tourist spot. don't see people visiting Changi Prison when they are in Singapore

weee! prison!

spongeBob was quite naughty

basking in the sun together with...

the sealions

the seagulls

remember ForrestGump?

the most impossible trio ever

dog + cat + rat

some shopping

some camwhoring

more camwhoring

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