Thursday, October 30, 2008

then and now

If there is one shot that I wanted to get from my CJC shoot, this is it. Too bad I forgot to rehearse the exact posture. But you'll get the idea right?

2 pics taken 10 years apart

she slim down and I got fatter. and I was significantly happier looking too.

my girlfriend went to paris...

and all I got was...

censored for your viewing pleasure

a postcard from the Louvre. awwww so sweet.

new wallpaper

hard to locate a desktop icon though...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pre wedding shoot complete!

We start in Dec2007...

After a 3 day marathon finale, we are proud to say that


half day at CJC

full day in wedding getup

full day at home

so whats left is for ian to edit, compile and print the album.

ok. There is still a lot to do.

and yes, that is a wig on shuyi's head. remember this?

and yes, we're wearing sneakers as we don't want shuyi's lace heels to get messed up and we thought wearing sneakers would be interesting.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

return of the smurfs

We went back to CJC for a short photoshoot. Shuyi, who keeps everything, still have her CJC uniform. Me, I had to buy a new set which was lighter in tone.

after 10 years... here we are again!

After the shot, we followed tradition and head straight to Orchard. And we saw this horde. Scary.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

wedding pictures 1/4way done

made small on purpose


a lesson in life...

Wise man says: "when go down waterslide, wait for water to run"

see? the water was running...

I was at the Seng Kang sports complex in the morning. Upon my request to try the slide, they turned on the water.

''sure. The water should slide faster than me I thought"

and I jumped onto the slide...

The initial gash of water made me accelerate and gave me momentum. Then it happened: I 'outran' the water and felt the slide burning my back.

Like when discovery channel says you cannot outrun a bear, weelian is telling you that the water cannot outrun you. So wait first ok.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Blackwell dies...

...and many celebrities heave a collected sigh of relief.

kua simi you !#@$

This is the man who made his career on being mean to celebrities in the most unapologetic manner. His high level of insulting powers puts him high on my respect list.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

梁心頤 - 下雨天

Why this song? Cos she is hot. Thats why!

Friday, October 17, 2008


not a fan of the macdonalds colour

The 'giraffe's neck' is also done. You like?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The new MacBook was unveiled yesterday to much hype on the net. Suddenly, all otakus around the world stopped everything and gawked in awe at the newest, coolest & benchmark setting notebook.

cannot.... resist...

The most fascinating part about the notebook is how they machine the chassis from a single block of aluminum. Not saving the best in innovation for the top range shows a dedication to quality.

I am finding excuses to own one right now.

before and after

For our wedding album, we decided on a retro 南洋 feel. Think our parent's photos back in the 60s. What do you guys think?

after & before

after & before

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Thursday, October 9, 2008


Just another movie in the style of Lock Stock and Snatch. Which means IT FUCKIN' ROCKS! You get some repeating stuff like the unkillable russian, the old gangster, his innovative interrogation methods involving animals and his penchant for tea (those English bastards). But it never gets old. The 3 sec sex scene is da bomb.

gerald butler: the man

Guy Ritchie can do no wrong. Just remember not to cast his wife in his movies. She is known to ruin any movie she touches.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

more edited photo

from the makers of Toy Story...

miniature playground

click on picture to enlarge

Monday, October 6, 2008

Auntie around the world: greece

Greece this time round. Within hours upon touching down at Athens, aunties heads for Santorini.


Oakley Crosshair S. nice

Living on the edge

it was windy 24-7, she says

posing only. she rented...

this ATV

doing a Danish Little Mermaid in Greece

the sand, the sea, the auntie

Sunday, October 5, 2008

more edited pict

Specially edited to bring out the retro feel. You like?

spouse abuse

Saturday, October 4, 2008

QiQi turns 1!

1 month actually. My sis have this day long buffet in her honor.

qiqi when she is not sleeping/drinking/crying

Thursday, October 2, 2008

how to win a reality show

be irritating. be fucking irritating.

Now, I don't watch too many of 'em reality TV shows but after almost 5 seasons of Project Runway, I've came up with a formula on winning (or at least make it darn bloody far) the show:

1. don't suck (be at least ok-able)
2. have a personality (being irritating is the safer bet)
3. have no shame

The show need a villain: someone for everyone to lynch for the reunion show at the end. And this my friend, is the most villainous eva!

biatch: since 1950s

She had a fantastic start with everyone placing her at the top 3. Her 50s old skool style is kinda nice. 236 1950s dresses later, she was aptly branded as a 'one trick pony'...
geddit? Brand? Pony?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Church wedding

my first church wedding

Not a fan of all the prayers and hymns but I wish you a blissful marriage, Amanda. I go to weddings and always want to grab their wedding singer. Got to get the blind uncle!