Sunday, September 28, 2008

the unbearable cuteness of being

Scanning some pictures for the wedding montage which is kind of the norm these days.
Call me a conformist. i just have to ensure that it does not suck.


stop staring at the boobs

cheeky little girl


em... charming

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jay Gee!

is not the expression you get when you see Jay Chow. We braved the horde for the sale and it was pretty fruitful.

them (Aldo) heels are killa!

one of them bootie heels. also from Aldo

liz claiborne

Read that Tim Gunn is at the helm. That explains! On our way home, we were greeted by the thunderous roar of the GP cars.

We tried to take a picture of the cars in action

cannot see shit

had to settle for this instead

Thursday, September 25, 2008

the good 'ol feel

A series of pictures that I chanced across on the net. Ms Maggie Q. The dated 'ol film colours is friggin' fantastic! I want this feel for the wedding album!

ignore the happy dude

she made it look gooood. love the hair

the background almost looked fake


hope for auntie everywhere

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


AuntieBook ready to go!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Auntie around the world: seoul


longtime dream fulfilled

auntie bob

my wife went to korea...

...and all i got was a hair wax

true love

them Koreans are really big on freebies. auntie is in love.

why buy when you can just take?

Saturday, September 20, 2008




me trying to look emo

doing the 老板

our fave chalet game. Saboteur


utter despair

mongers of abovementioned despair

Friday, September 19, 2008


went to the bazaar and got this


nothing makes auntie smile like a good deal

Thursday, September 18, 2008

the Gunn

When I grow up, I want to be in a suit all day long like Tim Gunn. :O)


I am kinda old myself.

Check out what he has to say about the designs. And he is always right.

after the blessing, the dude died of awesomeness

I'm rooting for Jerell. Suede (what kind of fuck name is that?!) and Kenly should just go away.

Monday, September 15, 2008


ong lai deployed!

We officially moved into the new home. A new chapter has began!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


so french!

if only she would blog...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Auntie around the world: Denmark X Sweden

Why stay in Copenhagen (Denmark) when you can go to Sweden? And so they went to the land of Ikea and meatballs.

some castle. dunno where

Viking & the chinese heroine

ships: it's complicated

Little mermaid pretending to ignore shuyi

big-ass fan

don't you just love the shades?

my... what chiseled features you have

photography 101: leading lines to subject

My wedding outfit complete!



It's all here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Season 5 Episode 9 is the episode where Tim Gunn said it: 

"Don't listen to me."

And twice he did. 


History (4 completed seasons) has proven that 'he who neglects the Tim gets Gunn-ed (yes. with 2 Ns baby) down'. Obviously the afro chick Terri missed all the 4 seasons. 

Damn this is good TV!

Monday, September 8, 2008

times have changed...

Chinese actress Wen Si Lu, so says the net.


A few years ago, at the height of her Huan Zu ge ge fame, Zhao Wei got banged up pretty badly for wearing this:

rising son is not kool in China

Now we have a chinese actress in a freaking kimono.