Thursday, July 31, 2008

auntie around the world: Melbourne

member of the one gloved sect

Monday, July 28, 2008

the great wall of shuyi

giraffe print at shuyi's cosy area


Xuan xuan on a lazy sunday morning.

already proficient with the jappo pose

look at me! i'm super cute

she sprang this on me outta nowhere


do the V! do the V!

you want it? you'll have it!

I'm going to nursery?!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Spent the day shopping with shuyi. what a great day. been a while since we shopped like this.

all dressed up and ready to go!

First stop, Zara.

senorita Low

A must get. Pity it's not on sale. oh well. Zara this season is a tad chui. Going ethnic but in a bad way. Chic no enough.

kid's winterwear. M size is enough for her

Nike is next. On sale! Got this at 50%.

spotty jacket to jog in cool weather

complete with armpit airholes for mo flo

discount! discount!

We chance across an Adidas sale at Wisma and I did the unthinkable: I got a ladies jacket for myself...


The jacket was going for less than half the price and it has that cowboy hillbilly print on it. I cannot resist.

Dinner/supper at MOS Burger.

quite a nice day indeed.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Project Runway 5

It's back! Finally. The Klum will surely get on my nerves but she got great boobs.

words of wisdom: you in or you out! (in screeching tone)

Speaking of fashion, here is a pict I chance across. I my girlfriend were to look like this, it would be...

you noe you vant me. muahaaahaa


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

gladiator sandals

Long before gladiator sandals became the fad, Nami of One Piece has already been rocking it for nearly a decade! These sandals are hot. Must get one for shuyi.

now. (love the hot emo look)

10 years ago baby!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

auntie around the world: rome

Shuyi is back in Italy. Missed the sale but had a pretty good time.
trying emo black/white picture

pinocchio in 06

pinocchio in 08

Sunday, July 13, 2008



Monday, July 7, 2008

Shuyi & yingxuan


Wedding Gown... for mom

looks way better in real life

For my mom & sis, it was love at first sight for this annef & dorrell dress. Annef & who you ask? Well, how the hell should I know. What I DO know is that it ain't cheap. I read that this brand dresses the Miss Universe contestants. My mom will be rocking this dress for my wedding in Dec.

Pretty good price for a dress of this quality. Trumps over the usual Daniel Yam in my opinion. You can see that I am defending this dress cause I paid for it right?

my wife went to New Zealand & all I've got is...

...a pack of coffee powder she swiped from the hotel room. Thanks! How did you know that is EXACTLY what I wanted?!

premium you hear?!

auntie around the world: Christchurch

Never knew of a place called Christchurch till now. Why don't we have places with names like NUTC or Buddhatemple? Shuyi skied for the first time there: all in the name of job!

from cold to fucking cold

teletubby in New Zealand

Thursday, July 3, 2008

happy birthday shuyi

silly bird

After 8 years of celebrating her birthdays, I finally got shuyi a cake this time round. We spent a couple of hours at our new place watching movies and singing to KTV from the laptop hooked up to the PC.

secret recipe was dissapointing

Shuyi found the Massimo Dutti knit top I hung in our new wardrobe and loved it. She was hoping for a cat or a dog though.


Had dinner at Waruku the next day. 20% discount must go more often.