Sunday, July 19, 2009

walkabout with my pal

Randy's PC decided to die on him and so we went on a little trip to Sim Lim.

In true God of Gambler's style, there isn't any photo of Randy. Actually, we just didn't take photos of each other. Thats a tad... em... gay?

Anyway, I started the day by sending the wife to work and had lunch with my family.
i want to ta bao!

did i mention qiqi was fat?

one more time in B&W
quit it ok...

we going library!

Met up with Randy to fulfil my quest to get this bag. A knockoff version of a branded canvas bag. Lesson learnt: camera shops in Peninsula not open on Sunday.

so retro cool

Before stopping by the mecca of all things electronic, we headed to Fort Canning for the free parking and a place to play with the camera.

We met up with the cosplay otakus.

i have nothing witty to say

I like animes. I watched them for years and still am. But you should have stopped at getting the hanging figurine of your favorite character on your handphone. Just... stop.

This is a dude. A dude with really pretty boy face and eyeliner. Kinda like X-Japan but prettier. Here is him totally owning a hapless tree.

die biatch! hoo raaa!

The bokeh is really crazy.

Randy, God of Gambler

the prettiest dried flower at Fort Canning

Ok. Go home.

Looks like it's gonna rain tomorrow.
Mental note: keep the clothes

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