Monday, December 31, 2007

2008: Year of changes

A much awaited new job for me and Shuyi
Getting married
New house

2008 is looking both exciting and scary at the same time as changes always comes with discomfort.

It is a chilly evening on the last day of 2007 and I am dressed up to pick Shuyi up from her dinner with her friends. Nothing much planned though, we just need each other's company to be happy. After so many years, it has become quite natural. Better treasure our time together as I foresee that we wouldn't be having so much couple-time in 2008 due to our job commitments.

All the best for 2008! It is SHOWTIME!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fitting the gown

We went for the fitting of Shuyi's evening dress/wedding gown. Check out the other blog...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

19/12/07 - a day to remember

The day where I turned a new page in my career. And we got our rings engraved! End of the 2007 is the start of some major changes in my life, both in work and in my martial status! Loving it. 2008 will be great!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Shuyi came to VivoCity for the Tangs Sale. But before that, dinner at Spizza!



After that we watched Lust, Caution. The ticket dispensing girl checked our IC. Flattering. About the movie... hmmm. Trying to critique an arthouse movie would only end in my own disgrace. Wouldn't think that I will say this but there is TOO MUCH SEX in the movie. I know Shanghai ladies in that era don't shave their armpits... but... The part where Tang Wei sang that song at the geisha place is very well done and to me represents a very important turning point in the movie.

pweeety xuan xuan

walk walk @ bugis

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

we go Desker Road...

to book our wedding photog

shuyi is pleased with the added inches...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Just like diamonds...

Extinction has never been more lomantik...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Supra Dwag!

Told 'em Super Dog was good. We were low on budget so we just got drinks and sauces. This might well be the last supper.

xuan xuan again

see what see?
argh! cannot fit in!
do da locomotion!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

go walk walk

Shuyi with her favorite jacket, pumps, handbag and dress. Oh and favorite boy as well.

sing song xuan xuan

ms bad hair!

hello, goodbye

Happy birthday 小女孩. Good luck in your new career.  

Saturday, September 29, 2007

shoot 'em up

Shuyi came to look me up from work and we decided to catch a movie as I was lusting for popcorn.



Partly cos I had some free tickets as well. Anyway we were staring at the available movies and we don't know which one is good. Never heard of 'em. Then Shoot 'em up caught my eye. Kinda like the Sin City (which was da bomb!) feel. Rang up buibui to check on the imdb ratings (to make sure it is not crap) and off we go!

It was hell of a movie. There is no time wasted for story build up. There is no need to. Action from start to end with lotsa (dark) humor and sex thrown in. Do not bother yourself with the fact that he killed like 2000 dudes but only got shot once in the movie.

The milk mama was pretty decent too

Thursday, September 27, 2007

$10 KTV

Ariel and Steven's b-day

Sunday, September 23, 2007

walk walk day

We're out for a simple day of walk walking. Haven't done that in a while as most of our free time these days are reserved for the wedding preparations. Not that we don't enjoy the planning, we just haven't come out to walk walk for a while.

Muji has some cute dresses

Good 'ol tikum

Shuyi has a thing for these rubber stamps stuff. I got a Minnie and she got a Mickey. awwwww


Ariel is more than 20! Don't act young with the candles and hand sign!

Ariel and Steven's birthday at the $10 KTV. Happy birthday guys! Damn I hate young people. :(
KTV > KTV pub. Always remember that.


Man this takes the cake.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

more good ol' days

Actually not so good. I totally puked that night.

Left to right:
watt 解,Mr Ang, Linda

Not is picture Shawn, Jesmond, Sammi 姐, Alvin Lee and me

good ol' days

Those were the days.
Left to right

chill 哥, me, Jesmond, Ivan & Kelvin

greener pastures

Jinyen 姐, off to another department.

Best of luck.

shuyi + cat

What happens when you leave shuyi at a void deck full of cats...

After that at MacDonalds. The jacket nice hor

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Friday, July 20, 2007

I like the way you move

I like the way you moveeeeee

I'm too sexy

Man this song cracks me up. Sexayyy!

Party like a rock star

tot-tot-totally dudeeeee
Man... this is da shite!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007